Caution: Rainy Weather Hay
Caution: Rainy Weather Hay
By Ann Jamieson
From the Midwest to the Northeast, this has been a bad year for hay, and rain is the culprit. Rain is always the question mark: it seems either there is not enough of it, or too much. From the drought we’ve experienced the past few years we’ve now gone to rain that appears every day or two. And while rain makes the grass grow, it also ruins the hay.
WNYCCA – new organization shares the excitement of driving! - ...
WNYCCA – new organization shares the excitement of driving! - ...
New organization having a great time on wheels.
Western New York Combined Carriage Association was formed in early spring of 2017 with the mission of promoting education, safety, and fun for the sport of driving. Information on this new organization can be found at Officers are President Bruce Jones, Vice President Ken Perkins, Secretary Danny Harter, and Treasurer Debbie...