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LeMoyne Equestrian Team Off to a Great Start

LeMoyne Equestrian Team Off to a Great Start
Horse Bits Magazine
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LeMoyne Equestrian Team Off to a Great Start

The 2018-2019 IHSA season for the LeMoyne Equestrian Team has started out as a great one.

Our riders vary from freshman to seniors and from experience to non-experienced. Most of the riders are from New York along with a few from other states.  The Team competes and trains at Galemont Equestrian in Baldwinsville, NY under coach Brenda Peck. 


The Fall semester produced some exciting individual wins for our returning riders and our freshman, along with many other great ribbons and rides.  Freshman Emma Clinton from New Milford, PA brought home her first blue in Beginner Walk/Trot/Canter just a few shows into the season at Cazenovia College.  Freshman rider Olivia Fuda, from Clifton Park, NY won her first blue ribbon in Walk/Trot at St. Lawrence in November.  Returning junior rider, Emily Farrelly from Syracuse, NY brought home a win for the Dolphins in the Novice Over Fences class two shows in a row at Cazenoiva College, securing her spot for the Regional Finals competition that will be held at the end of March.  Also heading to Regionals in March, will be junior Katrina Sharkey from Oswego, NY showing in Advance Walk/Trot/Canter and junior Emily Nages from Sidney, NY  showing in Advance Walk/Trot/ Canter. 

Besides working hard in the ring and barn, the LeMoyne riders are working hard in school and for their community.  They organized a sock drive in December to benefit local Veterans in Syracuse.  The Team was able to collect over 200 pairs of socks and delivered them to the Syracuse VA Hospital.  The Team members also sent out Christmas cards with letters and pictures to troops over seas.  Both activities were a huge hit with the Veterans and troops. 


The Spring semester is already in full swing as we gear up for the next show in February and Regionals in March.  We will also be organizing another community service event and attending the IHSA National Finals in Syracuse in May.  We welcome any inquires concerning the team and look forward  to seeing the team grow.


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