The Rein Back
The Rein Back
~ Going Backwards to Progress Forwards - By Nikki Alvin-Smith
Is your horse truly submissive and obedient? Is your horse truly forward and does the action of the rein go through his whole body equally on both sides. If the answer to these questions is a resounding yes, then the rein back will be easy to achieve and show artistry and engagement. It is an extremely beneficial exercise for the horse when correctly executed as it engages his core, strengthens his top-line and develops strength in the gaskin and suppleness through the hips. It also increases flexion of all joints in the hind end. All these benefits are of immeasurable importance as you...
Preparing to Store Your Trailer for Winter
Preparing to Store Your Trailer for Winter
Thorough cleaning before storage can lengthen trailer life.
Another hot summer has come to an end; another show season for the books. It may be hard to imagine those snow-covered roads, and depending on where you live, they could be just weeks away. Some of us show horses year-round, but for others it’s that time to prep the trailer for winter storage and perform preventative maintenance so your...